The Navajo Hopi Honor Riders would like to thank Army veteran Ted Martello, ‘DV Hammer’, for escorting the #NavajoHopiHonorFlag over 4,500 miles into New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, California and back to AZ. Martello served two times in the US Army 1984-1988 also from 2006-2013, a combat veteran, he has one son, one daughter & 2 grandsons. He grew up in Fontana, CA, he has four sisters and one brother, the middle child. He moved to Arizona 21 years ago and currently lives at Grand Canyon South Rim. He works for Grand Canyon maintenance, skilled in carpentry, electrical work and painting. He has some Scottish back ground through his grandmother and his grandfather was a WWII veteran.
Martello first met Gold Star Mother Percy Piestewa in 2012, since then he has been a part of the NHHR family, he is also very active with Nation of Patriots and currently with CVMA (Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association). He grew up riding dirt bikes, he remembers riding his motorcycle to high school and received his motorcycle license at the age of 16. He enjoys riding his 2013 Harley Davidson Ultra and would like to travel all 49 states on his bike one day. He explained, “My motorcycle helps with my PTSD, it is wind therapy. On this trip, I wasn’t distracted by anything, I was at peace.”This mission really helped me sort some things out personally, some things I have been struggling with for about 10 years now. Escorting this flag helped me as well, added Martello.