8/24/19 Funeral escort for US Army veteran E5, Kee Yazzie Fowler

TUBA CITY, AZ – The family of US Army veteran E5, Kee Yazzie Fowler is humbly requesting for funeral escort on August 24, 2019 Saturday from Tuba City to Bittersprings area.

STAGING: 8/24/19 Saturday 0730 MST at Valley Ridge Mortuary, Tuba City, Az
KSU: 0800 MST
DESTINATION: grave site, 5 miles south of Bitterspring junction
ROUTE: South on US 160 to US 89. Turn right/north on US 89 to milepost 519 on US 89. Grave site is east of milepost 519 (see map below)

Grave site service will be at 9am MST. Kee Yazzie Fowler was born in the Wild Peak area, Tonalea, Az, as Tabaaha Naashtezhi. He was drafted into the US Army and honorably discharged in 1952. Together with his wife Nora Begay Fowler they raised ten children. He made his homestead in the Bittersprings area with his family.

On behalf of Navajo Hopi Honor Riders, we send our condolences and prayers to his family. Thank you for your service soldier, honor has no end. We appreciate any honor riders available on this day to assist the family’s request.
Contact: Cindy Fowler (daughter)