Funeral for US Airforce Sr Airman Brandon D. Yazzie 7/28

US Airforce Sr Airman Brandon D. YazzieSHIPROCK, NM – The family of veteran US Airforce Sr Airman Brandon D. Yazzie is humbly requesting a funeral escort on July 28, 2020 Tuesday from Shiprock to Toadlena, NM.

STAGING: 8:30 Desert View Funeral Home, Shiprock, NM
KSU: 9:00am
DESTINATION: Toohaali Community Center, Toadlena, NM (46 miles, see map attached)

Gravesite service will be at 10:30am. Immediate family only. Services will be conducted in accordance with CDC and Navajo Nation Covid-19 guidelines to protect all friends and family, thank you for understanding and cooperating.

US Airforce Sr Airman Brandon D. Yazzie served from 2001-2005, active duty military with the U.S. Air Force. He was stationed in Fairchild AFB, Spokane, Washington. After being honorably discharged, Brandon pursued his education at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and was working on his degree. Brandon is a sibling of two surviving brothers, Fabian (USAF Vet) and Gregory Yazzie, and parents, Pauline and Leonard Yazzie.

On behalf of the Navajo Hopi Honor Riders, we send our condolences and prayers to the family of US Airforce Sr Airman Brandon D. Yazzie. We thank you for your service.

Contact: Fabian Yazzie (brother)