Funeral escort for US Army Ralph Begay Sr on 1/06

US Army Ralph Begay Sr.ST. MICHAELS, AZ – The family of US Army Ralph Begay Sr is requesting a funeral escort on Wednesday January 6, 2021.

STAGING: 8:30am Summit Funeral Home, St. Michaels, Az
KSU: 9:00 am
DESTINATION: Kinlichee Cemetery, near Kinlichee Chapter, northeast of Ganado, Az

Gravesite service will be conducted for immediate family only. Thereafter, visitors may pay their respect immediately following services will be conducted in accordance with CDC and Navajo Nation Covid-19 guidelines to protect friends and family. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.


US Army Ralph Begay Sr. served his country from 1965 to 1969, he was a Vietnam war veteran with honorable discharge. He was combat veteran, field artillery.

On behalf of the Navajo Hopi Honor Riders, we send our condolences and prayers to the family of US Army Ralph Begay Sr. We thank you for your service, you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace soldier

Contact: Ralph Begay Jr. (son)