For Friday September 21, 2018- Thoreau NM
Funeral Escort for Pfc. Roy Richard Mariano, U.S. Army Veteran
Attention Honor Riders and all surrounding riding communities, the family of the late Roy Richard Mariano are requesting for a funeral escort and it would be our distinct Honor to do so. We thank the Mariano family for inviting us to participate in showing our respect. Mr. Roy Richard Mariano, entered to serve our Nation on December 15th, 1960 at the age of 24. His rank was Private First Class (E-3). He was transferred to Fort Hamilton, New York on May 24, 1963 as Grade SP424. He served in Germany for 2 years and 10 months. His last duty assignment and major command was Company A, 1st Battalion, 15th infantry, Seventh Army. His total active service was 4 years and 1 month 3 days. His decorations included expert riffle m14. He was honorably discharged on October 31st, 1965.
Mariano was a proud Veteran of the United States Army. Roy ”papa” was a loving brother, father, grandfather and great grandfather. He loved all of his family, he loved his country and he loved the Cowboys!
Staging Details for 9.21.18
Staging time: 0800 @ Rollies Mortuary. Address: 401 E. Nizhoni Blvd. Gallup NM 87301
KSU: 0830. Route: Gallup Rollies Mortuary to Dayspring Missionary Baptist Church in Thoreau New Mexico.
(note: escort request is only from mortuary to church)
Service is to begin at 1000. After services are concluded Mr. Mariano will be escorted to his final resting place at the Thoreau cemetery across from Thoreau chapter house.
On behalf of NHHR, we extend our sincerest condolences. We thank Mr. Roy Richard Mariano for his great service he provided to our Nation. Thank you sir, for your service and our freedom. May you rest in peace and may you never be forgotten. God Speed,